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Showing posts from August, 2016

The Body I Own

The Body I Own. I have been bitten, caught the bug. I am now one of those annoying people on your facebook and twitter feeds that posts sweat-soaked selfies and gloat about miles ran before you bothered to get out of bed. I am just a little smug. That'll be the endorphins. I've embraced the world of fitness, of healthy eating, of HIIT, of chia seeds and quinoa (pronounced keen-wa, thank you Google!), of obstacle racing and marathon training and seeking out thrills to test the limits of my body. What a twat, I hear you say. Who cares that I hit a sub 30 5k (eh?!) and it made me fist-pump whilst out on the streets of Feltham. I'm currently loving my new found passion for fitness and relishing the appreciation it's given me for my body. The only one I have. The body that gave me two beautiful children and has seen me through a marathon and more. I apologise that my recent joy for healthy living may irk you somewhat, but I can't promise you it'll end any time ...